第 1 册《英语初阶
第 1 单元

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112.《How do they compare?
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A: Is the red apple sweeter than the green one?#
B: No, it's not sweeter than the green one. It's as sweet as the green one.#
A: Is the policeman taller than the policewoman?#
B: No, she's not taller than the policewoman. She is as tall as the him.#
A: Is the man shorter than the woman?#
B: No, he's not shorter than the woman. He's as short as the her.#
A: Is the boy older than the girl?#
B: No, he's not older than the girl. He's as old as her.#
A: Is the red pencil blunter than the orange one?#
B: No, it's not blunter than the other one. It's as blunt as it.#
A: Is the blue car as clean as the red one?#
B: No, it's not as clean as the red one. It's cleaner than it..#
A: Is the man as fat as the woman?#
B: No, he's not as fat as the woman. He's fatter than her.#
A: Is the woman on the left as smart as the right one?#
B: No, she's not as smart as the right woman. She is smarter than her.#
A: Is the box on the right as light than the left one?#
B: No, it's not as light as the left one. It's lighter than it.#
A: Is the bag on the right newer than the left one?#
B: No, it's not as new as the left one. It's newer than it.#
A: Is the television on the right as expensive as the left one?#
B: It's not as expensive as the left one. It's more expensive than the left
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