Look at my shoes! They're clean.#
Look at your hands! They're dirty.#
Look at these policemen! They're hot.#
Look at these women! They're cold.#
Look at these hairdressers! They're fat.#
Look at these barbers! They're thin.#
Look at my shoes! They're big.#
Look at my shoes! They're small.#
Look at these shops! They're open.#
Look at these shops! They're shut.#
Look at these cases! They're light.#
Look at these cases! They're haevy.#
Look at the couple! They're old.#
Look at the children! They're young.#
Look at these hats! They're old.#
Look at these hats! They're new.#
Look at these children! They're short.#
Look at these policemen! They're tall.#
Look at my trousers! They're short.#
Look at my trousers! They're long.&